Lost Moments: Further Developments in Projection Mapping / by harry wakeling

My initial experiments with projection mapping elicited some interesting responses, however now I felt it was time to try something on a larger scale. I started by gathering white boxes of various sizes that I pieced together in my garden.

Holly Call.jpg

The next step was to figure out what content to map onto the boxes. Following on from a video call with Holly Norcop, I felt it would be a good idea to produce another experiment linking back to Stokes heritage. Holly gave me the idea of using the patterns commonly seen on pottery, for example Wedgewood Blue China.

Once I had set up Resolume to accurately map onto the boxes, it was time to experiment with different effects. Below are some examples of my experimentation - I took the china patterns and applied various types of displacement to give it movement. I have also included a montage of some experiments using kaleidoscope and glitch effects.